Beyond Vision Artifact

MacBook mockup

Core Purpose

We help property managers and hosts grow their businesses 
iPhone mockup

Core Values

Credit card mockups

We care (we give a shit)

We're on the same team

We inspire trust

We go beyond

We ship it

What do we do?

We offer a customer aligned Revenue Management System
that drives PM and Host revenue growth

What is true in 2030

We power $100B gross booking volume annually

What is true on December 31, 2025

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

Revenue: $63M / Rule of 40 / $74M Total ARR

We are communicating and delivering on our promised outcomes for our customers

We retain 100% net ARR through delivery of superior outcomes, expansion of product functionality and exceptional CX management processes

We maintain our market dominance and power $30B gross booking volume

Our revenue management platform delivers 50% new ARR from non-pricing products

Our product strategy unlocks a future growth path to $100m in ARR

We are global and earn $10M revenue from ROW

We help hosts grow their business and Hosts is a $16M top line segment

We are diverse, equitable, and inclusive

Why we will succeed

We Power Your Business

We are the pioneers in revenue management for short term rentals. We offer business enhancing solutions for hosts and managers of all sizes across the globe to future-proof and grow their business.

We Make You The Most Money

Our unparalleled access to and analysis of real-time, global short term rental data powers our ability to unlock, inform, and automate action. We use this data to understand, demonstrate, and optimize your biggest revenue and cost levers.

We Support You

Our multicultural, global team goes above and beyond for each other and our customers all in service of helping STR hosts and managers grow their business.

2023 Annual Plan

We help our customers grow their business

We drive revenue growth for our customers
We outperform RevPAN against no solution and competition
We demonstrate a measurable YoY improvement in our algorithm yields
Our customers grow their listings
Our customers grow their listings
Dashboard mockup

2023 Annual Plan

We help our customers grow their business
We drive revenue growth for our customers
⦿ We outperform RevPAN against no solution and competition
⦿ We demonstrate a measurable YoY improvement in our algorithm yields
⦿ Our customers grow their listings
⦿ Our platform guides our customers to take the right actions
We unlock efficiency and profitability improvements for our customers
⦿ We maintain at or above industry direct booking conversion results
⦿ Using our full revenue management platform multiplies our impact
⦿ Our customers need fewer vendors
⦿ Our automation results in fewer manual interventions
We make it easy and simple to work with us
⦿ We improve our sign up to paid conversion by five (5) points
⦿ Our in-platform onboarding enables users to get bookings faster
Our customers and team understand how we help grow their business
⦿ Our go to market offerings reflect the outcomes our customers seek
⦿ We effectively message to our customer personas
⦿ We empower revenue managers
⦿ We are the thought leader in Revenue Management
We nail our fundamentals
⦿ We accurately predict GAAP revenue results
⦿ We achieve $38.4M revenue
⦿ We achieve ending ARR of $45.5M
⦿ We end at 120K LAMEN
⦿ Our internal data is easy to access, accurate and standardized
⦿ We add a profitability lens to our growth mindset
⦿ Our understanding of productivity, efficiency and business needs inform our staffing strategy
⦿ We know why, when, where and how to hire
Our North America segment thrives
⦿ Our understanding of the sales and marketing funnel informs strategy and action
⦿ We close $8M new cARR
⦿ We achieve 105 percent net retention and 88 percent gross retention
⦿ We align our post-sale customer experience to our ideal customer journeys
⦿ We upsell $1M cARR
⦿ We grow Tally GBV to $100M
⦿ We achieve $2M in Lg / Enterprise cARR
⦿ Marketing generates 50 percent of pipeline and closed cARR
We double our EMEA business
⦿ Our understanding of the sales and marketing funnel informs strategy and action
⦿ We close $3.8M new cARR
⦿ We achieve 100 percent net retention and 90 percent gross retention
⦿ We align our post-sale customer experience to our ideal customer journey
⦿ We upsell $300k cARR
⦿ We achieve $750K in Lg / Enterprise cARR
⦿ Our expected to enabled ratio within 30d is at 95 percent
⦿ Marketing generates 40 percent of pipeline and closed cARR
We help hosts grow their business
⦿ We earn $9.4M SeSe revenue
⦿ We efficiently acquire and onboard hosts
⦿ Our self service funnel generates 15 percent of pipeline and new cARR
⦿ Beyond India has generated $2M ARR
⦿ We are achieving 80% CSAT
⦿ We achieve 100+ percent net dollar retention
⦿ We improve 13 month logo retention by five (5) points
⦿ We are operating our direct connection uptime plan
⦿ Our deep understanding of our host funnel and journey is reliable, accessible and informs strategy and action
Beyond is the Best Place to Work
⦿ Managers execute on Beyonder Talent Strategy plans
⦿ Our internal mobility empowers Beyonders to develop new skills  
⦿ We have a talent marketplace that delivers outcomes cross functionally for the business
⦿ We execute an aligned People roadmap for 2023