How Dioni Holiday Cottages uses Beyond to save time and get more flexibility in their revenue management strategy.

Dioni Holiday Cottages is an independent family-owned business established in 2008 in North Wales. They carefully select the very best and most beautiful properties from Wales. Their unique combination of local knowledge and years of experience sets the company apart.
“Beyond is brilliant to work with, in an ever changing process. It is really beneficial to the Company, as it is constantly evolving to help us to save time as we don't have to play with prices on a regular basis.” Amy Greenwood, Owner Contact at Dioni Self Catering
Before Beyond, Dioni Holiday Cottages had a manual and flat pricing strategy that didn't use any technology to support them. This strategy worked well for low and high seasons but they needed more flexibility globally. It was at this point in 2020 when they tested Beyond and discovered that it was the dynamic pricing tool they needed to optimise their revenue strategy.
Since then, Beyond is their revenue management platform. Amy Greenwood and Francis Hughes, directors at the company, use the solution to adapt their pricing strategy in order to maximise profits according to the market trends automatically, saving time and being flexible.
Amy & Frances leverage several key performance indicators provided by Beyond on a weekly basis, in particular the Health Score, to see how their properties are performing and pacing relative to their markets. They also massively appreciate Beyond’s Insights Dashboard, where all the main performance indicators are shown specific to each listing, and can be shared with their owners.
Thanks to Insights by Beyond, Dioni Holiday Cottages can provide owners with valuable information about the performance of their properties.
“Beyond is brilliant to work with, in an ever changing process. It is really beneficial to the Company, as it is constantly evolving to help us to save time as we don't have to play with prices on a regular basis.” Francis Hughes, Owner Contact at Dioni Self Catering.