How Tawny Powell Levels Up Her Hosting Game with Beyond

Tawny Powell Beyond Customer
Atlanta, GA
Customer Since
Lift in Revenue
Number of Listings

Tawny Powell has been a trailblazer in the Airbnb hosting world since 2008. Managing vacation rentals over the years, she realized the need for a more efficient and automated approach to revenue management.

The challenge Tawny faced was familiar to many hosts: setting the right prices and quickly adjusting them for peak seasons, special events, and holidays.

She soon realized that her properties were often underpriced, leading to missed opportunities and undervalued bookings.

“I realized that events like the Super Bowl and Beyonce concerts were happening in Atlanta and I could not keep track of all of the events nor did I have any desire to monitor them constantly. I completely forgot some holidays and felt I lost money because I didn’t change my price in time.”

This realization led Tawny to discover Beyond, marking a turning point in her hosting journey. She was immediately impressed by the ease of use and the significant impact it had on her revenue.

Over time, Beyond became more than just a pricing tool for Tawny. It offered her valuable market insights, allowing her to make informed decisions and keep an eye on evolving demand in her market. This encouraged her to try out Beyond Pro to dive deeper into other ways she can use the data to be successful in managing her vacation rental business.

“Before I started using Beyond, I didn’t think a whole lot about market data. I only looked at comparable listings nearby, but I didn’t know how to use them for pricing. Now with Comp Sets and Market Insights I can see what’s going on in my market, then adjust customizations and raise or lower my prices.”

“I love Beyond. It’s a piece of cake. It’s super easy to use. I make way more money on my listings than I would have without it. It truly makes my life easier. I really didn’t know what a good price point was to price my units. I felt as if I was losing money or leaving money on the table.”

Beyond’s Pro offering stood out for Tawny. “I really like that I can see weekly booking activity, average daily rate, and booking lead time for my market. This is even more helpful to compare my listing’s performance. It’s great to have an alternative that actually helps me get the value for what my units are really worth and I don’t really have to think about it after I set it up.”

Today, Tawny is not just a successful Airbnb host; she’s a mentor, sharing her knowledge about hosting and ways to maximize revenue through Beyond in her coaching business. Her story is a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing the right tools and data for success in the ever-evolving landscape of the vacation rental industry. As Beyond continues to innovate and support hosts like Tawny, we remain committed to building the best products and services to help our users thrive in this dynamic industry.

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